Adi Cat
1 min readOct 8, 2021


I completely agree with this assessment of narcissistic friends. In addition to them playing the victim in a situation directly between you and them, they will also be the victim of everyone else they're no longer friendly with. There is no form of sane & consentual separation from them. Everyone else is "psychotic" or bad, wrong, and crazy. You can also bet that's the story that'll be told about you if/when you do cut them off.

I dealt with this very personally as well, and to this day I'm still hearing inaccurate accounts and bold-faced lies from people I had in common with my former narcissist. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I also discovered that most of the mutual friends we had were more afraid of getting on her bad side than they were actually friends with her. So much stuff like that came to light after we split up and I cut off all contact.

Great article and again I completely agree with everything you've said!



Adi Cat

Mother to one human and three cats. Lover of words, food, and stirring the pot. LGBTQ+ and body positive. IG: @adimeows