Wil, my heart truly goes out to you on this. Although my father is a pathological liar and narcissist, most of the gaslighting I've endured has been from my older siblings whom I am no longer in contact with.
I know just how much of a mind fuck it is to be told things didn't happen the way you knowforafact they did, and to question reality as you know it. It has a way of seeping into every part of your life. The constant, "Am I overreacting? Did I remember this wrong? Am I completely wrong altogether?" has truly never ended for me.
Most recently, I called my older brother out on a single instance where he got physical with me while absolutely hammered drunk. He doesn't remember it happening, and it was 14-15 years ago. He claims that he would remember because he's never had a physical altercation with a female, despite the fact that he was incredibly intoxicated.
His immediate response to that was that I'm lying to hurt him, despite the fact that I was telling him this in an attempt to fix our relationship. A relationship in which I've always felt judged, not considered, not taken seriously, and frequently patronized.
There's so much more I could say about that situation, but he ended up claiming that he was "setting a boundary for him and his family" and cutting off contact with me because of MY response to his blatant gaslighting and inability to see me as anything other than his crazy little sister who "clearly sees things differently than reality."
I would be lying if I said I wasn't still grieving the loss of this relationship, but at the end of the day I know it is for the best.
I wish you all the best in your journey of healing & please know you deserved so much better from your parents. You were more than just a paycheck and you were not responsible for your father's feelings and actions. You are loved.